December 28, 2023
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection has completed the final coordination of the
Directive on the funding program for climate protection in the Bundestag Budget Committee
submitted. The publication could take place as early as December 29, and here are the
crucial details.
1. framework conditions remain in place, despite the budget situation
Despite the challenges in the budget situation, the targets communicated in September remain
framework conditions for the funding program exist. A remarkable development
however, is the reversal of the increases announced in the course of the construction summit in order to
to ensure financial stability.
2. subsidy ceilings for multi-family houses
The draft directive retains the subsidy ceilings for properties with more than one
residential unit. While the subsidies for additional residential units were previously limited to up to
60,000, the revised draft now provides for a sliding scale. For the 2.
up to the 6th residential unit, the subsidy amounts to €15,000, above that €8,000. The
eligible investment costs for the first residential unit were also halved and
are now € 30,000.
3. timetable up to implementation and application
The circulation procedure in the Budget Committee runs until 27.12., whereby an approval
is expected by the traffic light majority. Following approval, the Federal Ministry
for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection will finalize the directive and publish it on 29.12. in the Federal Gazette
publish. The directive is expected to come into force on 1.1.24. The
Application to KfW, which takes over the heating replacement subsidy from BAFA, is possible from
the 27.02. be possible. Until 31.08.2024, funding applications can be submitted in deviation from the
usual procedure even after completion.
4 New application procedure from September 1, 2024
From September 1, 2024, there will be a slight change in the application process. With
A contract between the specialist partner and the consumer must already exist when the application is submitted.
The implementation of the project is agreed in a timely manner in the event of a positive funding decision.
will. This amendment is intended to ensure that the funding pots are not used prematurely due to
“stock applications” are exhausted.**
With these developments, sustainable and effective climate protection through the
new funding program. The time has come to prepare for the upcoming
changes and benefit from the improved conditions.
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